TERM 3 2021

Firstly we hope that you are all coping well in lockdown. We know that working from home, as well as parenting and supporting home learning, can be quite a juggle so we acknowledge the hard mahi you are all putting in during this time!

We are all thinking of you while we cannot see your kids face to face, but we have enjoyed seeing some of you online via Zoom sessions. We are so proud of how adaptable the kids are and how engaged they are when learning via Zoom! If your child is due to have a monitoring assessment done this term it may be pushed back a few weeks and will take place once we are back working face to face with our amazing kids.

Wellington Tutors

Our Wellington branch is on the hunt for some new tutors for a 2022 start. We are rapidly expanding and are looking for passionate people who have experience in education to join our team. If you or anyone you know may be interested please send an inquiry email with your C.V. to [email protected] and Kim and Holly will touch base with some further information.

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